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Jason Hayward

UCOR Fellow, Professor


Jason Hayward, UCOR Fellow, is a Professor of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Tennessee. Hayward holds appointments with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Y12 National Security Complex. He serves as Director of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation's Enabling Capabilities in Technology Consortium and the Deputy Executive Director for the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium. Hayward has 60+ peer-reviewed publications and 25 PhD graduates. He teaches classes in engineering design, radiation detection and imaging, and nondestructive assay of nuclear materials. Hayward is an IEEE Senior Member and an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. Past accomplishments include serving as the Director of Graduate Studies for the largest PhD Nuclear Engineering program in the Nation (2019-2022), being the recipient of a DOE Science CAREER award (2013), and recognitions from the American Society of Engineering Education (2012, 2014).  He holds a PhD in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences from the University of Michigan.  Prior to his time in academia, Hayward served as a U.S. Naval Officer for eight years.

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