Major competitive external grants that have supported our group’s work:
- Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D, “Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation’s Enabling Capabilities in Technology (TecH) Consortium,” March 2025 – March 2030. $25M. Lead PI.
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office (Department of Homeland Security), Academic Research Initiative, “Investigation of Detectors, Algorithms, and Systems (IDEAS) for Mobile Active Interrogation with Neutrons (MAIN),” Sep. 2021 – Sep. 2026. $2.5M. Lead PI.
DOE Office of Science Basic Energy Sciences Program, “Neutron Scattering Instrumentation Research and Development for High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Imaging and Oak Ridge National Laboratory,” Sep. 2021 – Sep. 2023. $460K. Sole PI.
- UC Berkeley (through Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D), “Nuclear Science and Security Consortium,” Sep. 2021- Sep. 2026. $3.75M. Lead PI.
- UC Berkeley (through Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D), “Nuclear Science and Security Consortium,” July 2016-June 2021. $4.25M. Lead PI.
- Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (Department of Homeland Security), Exploratory Research in Nuclear Detection, “Detector-mask investigation for dual gamma ray and fast neutron, imaging and spectroscopy,” Sep. 2010 –Sep. 2015. $2.28M. Lead PI.
- National Science Foundation & Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (Department of Homeland Security), Academic Research Initiative, “Research Program in Exploiting Time-Correlated Signatures and Directionality of Interrogation to Detect Shielded Highly-Enriched Uranium,” Sep. 2009 – Aug. 2015. $2M. Sole PI.
- Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (Department of Homeland Security), Academic Research Initiative, “Investigation of Detectors, Algorithms, and Systems for Wearable Intelligent Nuclear Detection (IDEAS for WIND),” Sep. 2015 – Aug. 2020. $1.75M. Lead PI.
- Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (Department of Homeland Security), Academic Research Initiative, “Investigation of Detectors, Algorithms, and Systems (IDEAS) for Rapid and Robust Clearing of Cargo from Shielded SNM,” Sep. 2016 – Aug. 2021. $1.75M. Lead PI.
- Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Basic Research for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction, “Glasses for detection of penetrating radiation via the Cherenkov effect,” Aug. 2009 – Aug. 2014. $1.5M. Lead PI.
- Defense Threat Reduction Agency, “Investigation of Detectors, Algorithms, and Systems (IDEAS) to Advance Autonomous Radiological/Nuclear Search,” Jan. 2018 – Jan. 2021. $1.05M. Lead PI.
- Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D, “Advances to Fission Chain and Multiplicity Analysis in Large Uranium Assemblies Using Imaged, Time-Tagged Prompt Neutron and Gamma Nuclear Data,” June 2014 – June 2018. $750K. Sole PI.
- DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program, “Neutron Scattering Instrumentation Research and Development for High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Imaging and Oak Ridge National Laboratory,” July 2013 – July 2018. $750K. Sole PI.
- Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D, “Enhancing Energy Migration and Proportionality in Scintillation Materials,” Feb. 2010 – Jan. 2014. $755K. co-PI.
- Oregon State University (through DOE Office of Nuclear Energy), “Muon imaging of dry fuel storage casks,” Oct. 2014 – Dec. 2017. $750K. co-PI.
- Office of Naval Research through the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP), Sep. 2009 – Aug. 2010. $603K. Sole PI.